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Microsoft Teams on Azure Virtual Desktop – Azure | Microsoft Docs – Install Teams properly to your master image

Additionally this works on both Windows 10, and Windows Shared computer activation is an optional activation method built inside of Office and Microsoft , designed to control and manage activations on shared computers. Originally this technology was used for Office on RDS Remote Desktop Servers to handle multiple users since Office is activated and licensed per user. Later, this technology was modified to handle Office activations in non-persistent VDI environments.
These activation tokens are saved to a network location that the users has access to which allows the user to roam. Due to the nature of non-persistent VDI, a user will always be logging in to a system they have never logged in to before. This is also handy with persistent VDI, where you can have a roaming activation token be used on multiple desktop pools as it follows the users.
These activation tokens once generated are valid for 30 days and remove the need to activate Office during that timeframe. The licensing information and activation without SCA is stored in the following directory:. You can configure Shared Computer Activation and the location of the roaming activation token using Group Policy, the local registry, or the configuration. If you are using persistent VDI where users are assigned a desktop they are frequently using, shared computer activation is not necessary and does not need to be used.
You can either modify and edit the Office configuration. Using the Office Deployment Tool and the Office Customization Tool, you can customize your Office installation to your specific needs and requirements.
Once you have a configuration. The configurations you use will vary depending on your VDI deployment type which I will get in to below. The behavior will match that of a typical workstation as far as software updates are concerned. Even if you are using persistent VDI, I highly recommend you read the notes below on installing Office on non-persistent VDI as you may want to incorporate that configuration in to your deployment.
To deploy Office with non-persistent VDI, things are a little different than with persistent. Using the Office installer for the above products will cause issues as the software gets installed in the user profile instead of the operating system itself. This is because these are not used in my environment. We also choose to accept the EULA for users so they are not prompted. Go ahead and download the MSI installers from below and follow the instructions below:.
In persistent VDI environments, the auto-update mechanism will be enabled and activated unless you chose to disable it , and Office will update as it does with normal windows instances. In non-persistent VDI environments the updating mechanism will be disabled as per the XML configuration example above. We run the following commands on the base image to update Office The commands above will download and install the most up to date version of Office using the channel specified in the XML file.
You then deploy the updated base image. You may have configured a special location for these, or may just store them with your user profiles. We will now configure the User Configuration items.
As most of you know, when running Microsoft Office for the first time, there are numerous windows, movies, and wizards for the first time run. We want to disable all of this so it appears that Office is pre-configured to the user, this will allow them to just log on and start working.
Again, just another step to let them log in and get to work right away. Using the One time Only will not try to apply the configuration on all subsequent Outlook runs.
We can stop this by disabling Exchange caching. This setting is not required when using FSLogix. When troubleshooting this, one may think that the issue is related to SCA, when it is actually not. This prompt is occurring because of authentication issues with Office This will delete the Identity key on login, and allow Office to function.
This may not be needed if using FSLogix or other profile management suites. At this point you can push and deploy the base image and have users log in to the VDI environment and Office should be fully functioning. Please keep in mind there are different methods for deploying and configuring Office depending on what application delivery and profile management software you may be using. This is just a guide to get you started!
Great post! Have you figured out first-run SSO for Teams machine wide installations? New users will have their username filled in when Teams opens but they still need to hit Connect and enter their password and MFA code if enabled one time for Teams to stay signed in. I think with roaming profiles it only occurred once, and then worked normally after that. This guide was amazing for our transition to Microsoft in our VDI environment. Amazing guides, keep it up! Great article, good info. What are your thoughts on stacking Visio into O with App Volumes?
Any other way blows up licensing. How do you have the existing O suite installed? Do you have it baked in the image, or are you using App Volumes? I just want to compliment you for this super guide. It helped us a lot to implement Office in our VDI environment. Many thanks from Heerenveen, Holland! This is really good information and very helpful.
The only thing I miss is SSO. Any immediate thoughts? I have disabled it in the GPO. Also, are your ADMX templates the latest version? It should be a fairly straightforward process to update these.
Simply make sure you update both the ADMX files as well as the applicable language files. So the same config we used initially with the above switches would update the version of office to latest? In my example, I chose to store the roaming activation token in the user profile directory. You can store it here or you can create a share for the roaming activation tokens. Also in the example above, I have used GPOs to automatically sign in to and activate the users Office license.
So yes, the user logs in and then it creates and stores the roaming activation token. Any known issues when using FsLogix on your experience? After initial log-in, the users are prompted with Microsoft login prompts whenever they start an Officeapplication, OneDrive or Teams. Outlook is even asking twice, apparently for authentication towards the Exchange and towards Office-Licensing.
Any idea on why those prompts still show up? Should I still configure a separate path for the roaming activation token? I had the problem that the login window from the Office Apps did not appear. I was able to fix this with a logon script, but now people with MFA can no longer log in. Do you have any idea what this could be? No fix is required as this is the proper and best behaviour.
Thank you for the answer, I use this script to make the login work. When I do not use the script, the Office apps freezes in Horizon after requesting the mail address. I used this script from Microsoft for this:. Thanks for this article. The above was when opening Outlook, we were getting a prompt to have device managed by organisation. We have one issue, which is becoming a pain point. When a user logs in for first time, they are being prompted to login to activate.
There are a few blogs saying this is the norm but according to the above we should be able to skip that. Can you advice what the delete of the identity reg key and make sure its not roaming with profile bit does, that is only thing we havent applied yet and think may sort our problem. The thing is that key appears when you start office app, so when you delete on login, dont know how that will help.
For activation, as long as you configure the GPOs to auto-sign in using the users credentials, they should not be prompted. The key is required for profile management so that it can sign-in and activate instead of preparing a warning.
The identity key has computer identity specific information in it, and when logging in with different computers it needs to generate new values.
That is excellent, sorted our issues and we good to go! Thanks for the article — we have one final question. When opening Edge, going to office. If the users UPN matches their e-mail, it should automatically sign in without prompting for an e-mail address. Most of the configuration I do is via GPOs. You might have to reference the Microsoft documentation. I only need Word, PowerPoint, and Excel in my environment, no email. Thank you for this guide, it is the most complete one I can find for VDI.
Great article!
Install teams in vdi.MST to install Microsoft Teams MSI (VDI) to regular Windows 10
This is not the way how to run Teams on Horizon. I get this question a lot. Looks like the marketing department installl Citrix invested a lot of /33920.txt to spread the word that VMware Horizon is not certified by Microsoft to run Teams.
Is that really so? Something we did install teams in vdi a long iinstall for Skype for Business. As companies are shifting to Teams we are shifting as well. The truth is VMware solution is not yet certified but does it really matter? Teams is application as any other — it will run on Horizon virtual desktop. What you need to do is run a install teams in vdi installer, install teams in vdi will install Teams normally to Program Files folder.
How to do it is fairly simple described in Microsoft documentation. Download the MSI installer and run this silent installation command:. Нажмите для деталей the Horizon client 5. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. May 12, by Michal Minarik 1 Comment.
Will Teams run on Horizon? Thx nice one! Need to get the same fluidity soooon! Cancel Reply. Name required. Mail required. Unified Access Gateway — Password resets. Multicast DNS and.
Use Microsoft Teams on Azure Virtual Desktop – Azure | Microsoft Learn – Prerequisites
The official version of this content is in English. End-client agent versions must be released by vendor and then updated on the end-device. After setting this policy, you must log out of the Horizon desktop for the GPO policy to take install teams in vdi. Table of contents Exit focus mode. This is an internal registry key used by html5Server.
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